
  • Yeni Pertiwi Department of Medical Electronics Engineering Technology, Al Insyirah School of Health Science Pekanbaru, Indonesia
  • Nur Hadziqoh Department of Medical Electronics Engineering Technology, Al Insyirah School of Health Science Pekanbaru, Indonesia
  • Romi Mulyadi Department of Medical Electronics Engineering Technology, Al Insyirah School of Health Science Pekanbaru, Indonesia
  • Rino Ferdian Surakusumah Department of Medical Electronics Engineering Technology, Al Insyirah School of Health Science Pekanbaru, Indonesia
  • Tata Yunita Ovtaria Department of Medical Electronics Engineering Technology, Al Insyirah School of Health Science Pekanbaru, Indonesia


The infusion pump functions to periodically control and regulate the administration of substances that are liquid nutrients or drugs at the right dose into the patient's body in a certain amount through the blood vessels with moderate precision. The use of an infusion pump for a long time will affect the accuracy and accuracy of the tool, which can result in compression and thus disrupt the flow rate regulation. For this reason, the Infusion Pump must be calibrated periodically. Infusion Pump calibration is carried out using a direct measurement method by testing the parameters of the physical condition and function of the tool, measuring electrical safety and its flow rate. Based on the results of the research and analysis of the calculation of the uncertainty of the measurement, the parameters of the physical condition and function of the tool as well as the electrical safety are in 100% good condition, while the flow rate parameter is in a condition of 66.67%. After reviewing the calibration results of the three parameters, the total value was 83.33%. So that the Infusion Pump tool is in a USAGE-worthy status.


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