Education, Knowledge, Attitude, StuntingAbstract
Background:Accelerating the reduction of stunting in toddlers is a priority program of the Government. Educational efforts for mothers with toddlers and promotion of stunting health include nutrition/nutrition education for toddlers, children, and the whole family and clean and healthy living behaviors that must be carried out by families and all members of the community in order to create a healthy environment for children to live in. Purpose: To examine and synthesize research evidence on the effectiveness of education to increase knowledge and attitudes towards stunting prevention in mothers with toddlers. Methods: Protocol and evaluation from the literature review using the PRISMA checklist. A literature search was conducted from June to September 2022. The literature search used four databases with high and medium-quality criteria, namely Pubmed, Scient Direct, Scopus, and garuda portal with 414 articles found. From the selection results, the number of articles discussed was 16 articles. Results: The results found 16 articles that discussed stunting education, where the results of changes in stunting prevention knowledge were very visible for the better. The results obtained from the discovery of 16 articles that discussed stunting prevention education resulted in a change in attitude toward stunting prevention being positive. Conclusion: The results of changes in stunting prevention knowledge seem to be getting better and stunting prevention education is positive. where the results of changes in stunting prevention knowledge change are very visible for the better. The results obtained from the discovery of 16 articles that discussed stunting prevention education resulted in a change in attitude toward stunting prevention being positive. Conclusion: The results of changes in stunting prevention knowledge seem to be getting better and stunting prevention education is positive. where the results of changes in stunting prevention knowledge change are very visible for the better. The results obtained from the discovery of 16 articles that discussed stunting prevention education resulted in a change in attitude toward stunting prevention being positive. Conclusion: The results of changes in stunting prevention knowledge seem to be getting better and stunting prevention education is positive.
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