
  • Azwar Azwar Master Of Nursing Student, Faculty Of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia
  • Sigit Mulyono Department Of Cummunity Nursing, Faculty Of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia


UKS Application, UKS Technology, UKS Management Information System


School-age children are the holders of the nation's leadership milestones in the future, with this regeneration the health of school-age children needs to be maintained. The school forum to improve the health status of school-age children is the School Health Unit (UKS) but the management of UKS is still in the manual stage. The purpose of this study is to analyze a management information system that can be used to effectively manage UKS. The method used is a literature review with two main databases, namely Google Scholar and the Garuda Portal. Of the 432 articles, they were selected to produce 6 selected articles which resulted in several information systems that can be used at UKS so that they can assist UKS users in terms of administrative management, medical e-records, and recording and integrated data that allows data to be conveyed to policy makers.


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