Death anxiety, spirituality, Elderly VisitationAbstract
Feelings of anxiety about death experienced by the elderly can cause reactions in the elderly, both physical and psychological reactions that will reduce the quality of life of the elderly. One of the factors that influence death anxiety is spirituality in the elderly. This study aims to determine the relationship between spirituality and death anxiety in the elderly at PSTW Husnul Khotimah Pekanbaru. The research design used was cross sectional. The research sample was taken by means of a total sampling of 51 elderly. The measuring instrument used is a daily spiritual experience scale questionnaire and a death anxiety scale questionnaire. The results showed that the majority of the elderly had a high spiritual level of 43 people (84.3%). While the level of death anxiety is low as many as 27 people (52.9%). The results of the Chi-Square statistical test showed that there was no relationship between spirituality, p value of 0.088 (> 0.005). It is hoped that with this research the PSTW improves services especially in meeting spritual needs and preventing death anxiety in the elderly so that the services provided are more optimal.
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