Factors, Chronic Renal Failure, HemodialysisAbstract
Chronic kidney disease takes place continuously from time to time. The incidence of chronic kidney disease is heavily influenced by various incident factors such as predisposing factors, biomedical factors, behavioral factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the incidence of chronic kidney failure in the hemodialysis room at Dumai City General Hospital. The design of this study is a correlation description with a cross sectional approach. The research was conducted in March–August 2020. The population in this study were 137 hemodialysis patients with a sample of 102 respondents. Sampling technique with purposive sampling. Data were analyzed univariately and bivariately with a computerized system. The results of the study found that there was a relationship between age, gender, education, family history, history of UTI, history of BSK, history of DM, history of hypertension, history of consuming drugs, history of smoking, history of consuming supplementary drinks and history of drinking water with the incidence of chronic kidney failure in the hemodialysis room at Dumai City General Hospital (pvalue = 0.000). There is no relationship between a history of consuming alcohol and the incidence of chronic kidney failure in the hemodialysis room at the Dumai City General Hospital (pvalue = 0.828). It is expected that health workers will improve health promotion regarding the risk factors that cause chronic kidney failure. There is no relationship between a history of consuming alcohol and the incidence of chronic kidney failure in the hemodialysis room at the Dumai City General Hospital (pvalue = 0.828). It is expected that health workers will improve health promotion regarding the risk factors that cause chronic kidney failure. There is no relationship between a history of consuming alcohol and the incidence of chronic kidney failure in the hemodialysis room at the Dumai City General Hospital (pvalue = 0.828). It is expected that health workers will improve health promotion regarding the risk factors that cause chronic kidney failure.
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