Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world. Cancer is a large group of diseases that begin in all organs in the body, when the cells in the body are abnormal and uncontrollable, the cells will attack adjacent body parts. In Indonesia, the highest cancer cases are in the Yogyakarta area of 4.86%, in the Riau Islands the incidence of cancer is 70.1%, being diagnosed with cancer not only had a detrimental impact on patients, but had a substantial impact on various aspects lives people they love, one of them was a child. Children who live with parents suffer from cancer experience psychological disorders such threat of losing their parents, changes in daily activities. The aim of this study was to explore the psychological experiences of children whose parents have cancer. Technique sampling was Snowball sampling with 10 participants. Qualitative research method with semi-structured interview design. Results five themes were identified, Care for the condition of sick parents, Fear of loss, Coping strategies in life transitions, Getting a support system, Gaining life lessons. Conclusion was the children experience various negative feelings, but they try to be able and take various actions for their parents to stay healed.
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