Activeness, Work, Knowledge, PosyanduAbstract
Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) is a form of Community-Based Health Efforts (UKBM) carried out by, from and with the community, to empower and provide facilities for the community to obtain health services for mothers, babies and toddlers. One of the factors that influences the activity of weighing toddlers at the posyandu is the mother's knowledge about the benefits of the posyandu and the mother's occupation. The Tenayan Raya Health Center is the health center with the highest birth rate in the city of Pekanbaru but has the lowest achievement in toddler visits at the posyandu. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of mother's knowledge and occupation on the activity of weighing toddlers at the Posyandu in the Working Area of the Tenayan Raya Health Center . This type of research is analytical correlation with a quantitative research design and cross-sectional methods. The research sample was mothers under five who were in the working area of the Tenayan Raya Health Center as many as 95 people. The sampling technique is stratified random sampling. The data collection instrument was in the form of a respondent's identity questionnaire, knowledge and activity of weighing toddlers at the posyandu. Data analysis in this study used the chi square test with a 95% degree of confidence. The results showed that through the chi square statistical test there was an effect of mother's knowledge (p value = 0.002, α<0.05) and mother's work (p value = 0.032, α<0.05) on the activity of weighing toddlers in posyandu in the working area of the Tenayan Raya Health Center . Suggestions for cadres to always explain the benefits of weighing and examining toddlers at the posyandu, so that the activity of weighing toddlers at the puskesmas will also increase.
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