
  • Hetty Ismainar Universitas Hang Tuah Pekanbaru
  • Hastuti Marlina Universitas Hang Tuah Pekanbaru
  • Jasrida Yunita Universitas Hang Tuah Pekanbaru
  • Bubung Bunyamin Department of Programs and Cooperation, BKKBN Riau


Unmet Need, Family Planning, Bengkalis Regency


Backgrounds. The Family Planning (FP) program is an effort to reduce the rate of population growth in Indonesia. However, the unmet need for family planning is still high at 25.6% (national target is 5%). Objective. To identification of barriers factors for reducing Unmet Need for family planning. Method. It was qualitative research uses a phenomenological design. There were 13 informants involved in collecting data through in-depth interviews. The research was conducted in the Air Jamban Village, Bengkalis Regency for 3 months. Data analysis uses content analysis, while data validity uses triangulation method. Results. There are 47.2% of the population with low education, there is a prohibition on family planning for there religions and local customs. the wife is unable to make decisions, There are still myths about the number of children bringing fortune, limited family planning field instructors, access to health services, administrative data systems dissintegrated. Conclusion A low level of education can influence people's perception of this family planning program. Suggestion. There is a need to increase socialization and health education about family planning by using social media ex: Instagram, youtube etc.


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