Effectiveness Android Application , KIA BookAbstract
Implementation of the Maternal and Child Health (KIA) Program for establish and improve range as well as quality KIA services on an ongoing basis effective purposeful and efficient . Antenatal care provides a platform for functions service important health , incl _ promotion health , screening and diagnosis, and prevention disease so that produce proper management _ during pregnancy , childbirth and the postpartum period . Objective study This is For know comparison effectiveness application Android and KIA book against detection early factor risk pregnancy . Method research used _ is Quasi experimental ( pretest- posttest only control design) . Population in study This is all midwives on duty at the Community Health Center Intersection Three Pekanbaru and all Mother pregnant who did antenatal check-up at the Community Health Center Intersection Three Pekanbaru . In study This use sample Midwives and pregnant women . Technique taking samples in research This use purposive sampling . Amount sample as many as 36 people (18 groups intervention and 18 groups control ). Determination amount sample Mother pregnant use formula Lemeshow , got it sample Mother pregnant as many as 44 people were divided become two groups (22 groups intervention and 22 control groups ). Research result show there is difference effectiveness between detection early factor risk pregnancy use KIA book and use Android app with mark p-value < (p =0.05), reviewed from aspect convenience ( p=0.000) , speed ( p=0.006) , security ( p=0.005) and data accuracy ( p=0.000) . So that can concluded that use application Android against detection early factor risk pregnancy more effective without rule out utility KIA book as tool help KIA services .
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