
  • Wira Ekdeni Aifa Lincoln University College
  • Faridah Mohd Said Lincoln University College
  • Tukimin Bin Sansuwito Lincoln University College


Behavior, postnatal, Baby Blues Syndrome


Baby Blues Syndrome is a mild mood disorder syndrome that is often ignored by postpartum mothers, their families or health workers, which in the end Baby Blues Syndrome can develop into depression and even psychosis which can have a bad impact, namely the mother experiencing problems in marital relations and even with the family and the growth and development of her child. . The aim of the research is to determine: Postpartum Mother's Behavior regarding the Incident of Baby Blues Syndrome in the Independent Practice of Midwife Ernita, Pekanbaru City. This research method uses descriptive correlation research with a cross-sectional time approach. The sample in this study was the entire population of 30 postpartum mothers from October to December 2022. Data analysis included univariate analysis which examined the incidence of Baby Blues Syndrome and postnatal maternal behavior, while bivariate analysis included the relationship between knowledge, attitudes and actions regarding the incident. Baby Blues Syndrome. The results of this study showed that 14 respondents (46.7%) experienced Baby Blues Syndrome. The results of the Chi-square test showed a p value of 0.390. The conclusion of this research is that there is no relationship between postpartum maternal behavior and the incidence of baby blues syndrome in the independent practice of midwife Ernita, Pekanbaru City, as evidenced by the p value > 0.05, which means Ho is rejected. It is hoped that the family can always provide support in caring for the baby and managing the mother's psychology after giving birth so that the incidence of Baby Blues Syndrome does not increase.


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