Social Interaction, , Quality of Life, ElderlyAbstract
Social interaction is a social relationship that influences each other between individuals that occurs in society that lasts throughout his life. Social interaction can have a positive impact on quality of life, therefore social interaction must be maintained and developed in the elderly group. The objective of this study to determine the relationship of social interaction to the quality of life of the elderly. This type of research is quantitative non-experimental using a cross sectional approach. The number of samples is 118 respondents determined by purposive sampling technique. The statistical test used is the Chi Square Test. The results showed that a p value of 0.000 was obtained. So it can be concluded that there is a relationship between social interaction and the quality of life of the elderly in Sungai Beras Hilir Village, UPTD Kulim Jaya Health Center. It is hoped that in the future the Health Center, especially nurses, can develop existing activities by making small group activities that can be carried out indoors, such as making skills or reading the Al-Qur'an together which can be accompanied by health workers and cadres.
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