
  • Suci Amin Institut Kesehatan dan Teknologi Al Insyirah
  • Tri Susilawati


Workload, Job Stress, Nursing


nurses will be in contact with patients, patient families, nursing colleagues and other health teams with the task of providing nursing care which causes a heavy workload. too much, resulting in work stress. The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between workload and work stress of nurses in the inpatient room at Ibnu Sina Islamic Hospital Pekanbaru. This type of research is quantitative with a cross-sectional research design. The research was conducted in June 2023. The population in this study was 120 nurses or respondents using a sampling technique. Data analysis using chi square test. The research results showed that 46.7% of the majority of workload levels were categorized as moderate, moderate, 48.3% of the work environment levels were categorized as good. There is a significant relationship between workload and work stress of (P Value = 0.000). It is hoped that nurses can prevent the emergence of work stress while working, which can lead to a decline in nurses' job performance.


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