Depression Postpartum, Continuity of CareAbstract
In the post-natal period, the midwife only assesses the physical examination and breastfeeding procedures, but needs to assess the mother's mental health and the mother's post-natal social support. The midwifery Continuity of Care (CoC) model allows mothers to better understand their care. This is one of the midwifery service models that provides services to help women build relationships with their caregivers. Postnatal depression is a major health problem, having a dangerous impact on postpartum mothers, their babies, and their families. The depression rate in Southeast Asia is 27%, while in India the depression rate is 3.7%, second only to India which is 4.5%. This study aims to determine the continuity model for midwifery services with postnatal depression. The form of study used in this study is a literature review using 5 studies from sources in the form of journal search studies in electronic databases such as the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Science Direct and EBSCO in full text form. Can be concluded that a strong relationship between mothers and midwives who are known for providing continuous care, results in increased trust, more personal and loving care, and better sharing of information will reduce postnatal depression. To address knowledge gaps and methodological deficiencies in the existing literature, articles on postpartum depression in Asian countries need to further explore the role of physical, biological and cultural factors.
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