Body image, breast cancer, quality of life, mastectomyAbstract
Mastectomy is a treatment for breast cancer that involves removing the entire breast tissue. This procedure can affect a patient's body image and quality of life. Methods: This study used a quantitative research design with a cross-sectional approach. The sample consisted of 58 patients who had undergone mastectomy in the past six months, using total sampling technique. The questionnaires used were the body image questionnaire and the WHOQOL-BREF. A Chi-Square test was conducted for statistical analysis. Results: The majority of respondents were elderly (ages 46-65) (65.5%), housewives (81.0%), married (81.0%), and had a high school education (41.4%). Most respondents had undergone mastectomy less than 6 months prior (56.9%), had a negative body image (62.1%), and poor quality of life (53.4%). Statistical analysis showed a relationship between body image and quality of life in breast cancer patients post-mastectomy, with a p-value of 0.001 < alpha (0.05), indicating a significant relationship. Conclusion: There is a relationship between body image and quality of life in breast cancer patients post-mastectomy. Nursing interventions are needed to improve the body image and quality of life of breast cancer patients post-mastectomy.
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