insomnia, back massage, menopauseAbstract
Menopausal women will experience several problems, one of which is insomnia. The aging process often brings about various changes in physical and psychological health, which can lead to increased sleep latency, reduced sleep efficiency, and early awakening. For menopausal women struggling with insomnia, one promising approach to alleviate their sleep disturbances is through back massage therapy. Utilizing a quantitative research design, this investigation employs a pre-experimental framework without a control group, which combines pre-test and post-test measurements in one group. This research will focus on a population of 30 menopausal mothers who experience insomnia in Rambah Tengah Hilir Village. The sampling technique in this research is carried out by using non-probability sampling techniques, namely by using saturated samples. The results showed that the mean score for the pretest was 18.80, accompanied by a standard deviation of 1.606. In contrast, the mean score for the posttest was significantly lower at 5.67, with a standard deviation of 14.93. This indicates that the average posttest score was lower than the average pretest score. Furthermore, the dependent T-test results yielded a P-value of 0.000, which is less than the 0.05 significant threshold. This indicates a statistically significant impact of back massage therapy on the sleep quality of menopausal women. Thus, the evidence supports the conclusion that back massage has a positive impact on the sleep quality of menopausal women living in the area of Rambah Tengah Hilir Village, Rambah Sub-district, Rokan Hulu Regency.
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