
  • Dheska Arthyka Palifiana Universitas Respati Yogyakarta Author
  • Sitti Khadijah Universitas Respati Yogyakarta Author
  • Ririn Wahyu Widayati Universitas Respati Yogyakarta Author
  • Dita Septian Anggraini Universitas Respati Yogyakarta Author



Meditation, Mindfulness, Anxiety, Childbirth


 Change in pregnancy stem from elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone, which can precipitate a spectrum of psychological disturbances, with anxiety being a prevalent concern. Mindfulness meditation—a complementary therapeutic approach—has emerged as a promising method to alleviate anxiety. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of mindfulness meditation in mitigating anxiety among pregnant women as they approach labor. This study adopted a quasi-experimental approach, utilizing a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The sampling technique employed was purposive sampling, with 40 third-trimester pregnant women as participants, stratified into two groups. The intervention cohort, consisting of 20 pregnant women, was administered mindfulness meditation, while the control group, also comprising 20 women, received deep breathing technique interventions. The findings revealed a marked reduction in anxiety levels within the intervention group. Pretest results indicated that 13 women (65%) experienced moderate anxiety, while 7 women (35%) exhibited severe anxiety. Following the intervention, posttest outcomes showed that 12 women (60%) shifted to mild anxiety, 8 women (40%) remained moderately anxious, and no cases of severe anxiety persisted. Conversely, the control group demonstrated an escalation in anxiety levels. At pretest, 11 women (55%) were categorized as moderately anxious, and 9 women (45%) displayed mild anxiety. Posttest data indicated that 11 women (55%) remained in the moderate anxiety category, while 6 women (30%) continued with mild anxiety, and 3 women (15%) progressed to severe anxiety. Result is ignifying the efficacy of mindfulness meditation as a potent intervention for anxiety management during childbirth (0,001).



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How to Cite

MEDITASI MINDFULNESS SEBAGAI MANAJEMEN KECEMASAN DALAM MENGHADAPI PERSALINAN. (2024). Al-Insyirah Midwifery: Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwifery Sciences), 13(2), 157-163.