Kehamilan, Pengetahuan, Tanda Bahaya KehamilanAbstract
Complications during pregnancy are among many danger signs during pregnancy that can lead to maternal death. These pregnancy danger signs can occur in the first trimester to the third trimester. The involvement of husbands in recognizing the danger signs in pregnancy is essential in preventing maternal mortality rate (MMR). Husbands who have proper knowledge can make appropriate and quick decisions in seeking health services if the signs occur. This study aims to determine the level of husband's knowledge in recognizing danger signs in pregnancy. Covering the service area of Rejosari Public Health Center, this is a quantitative study with a descriptive design using univariate analysis of age, education, gravida, occupation, income, and husband's knowledge in recognizing danger signs in pregnancy. An accidental sampling technique was used for sampling in the study which involved 60 respondents. Data in this study were collected by administering questionnaires and then presented in the form of frequency distribution. The results showed that the majority of respondents (60.0%) had poor knowledge of recognizing danger signs in pregnancy based on age, education, gravida, occupation, and income. The majority of respondents knew that bleeding in the early or late stage of pregnancies (80.0%), premature rupture of membranes (71.7%), lack of fetal movement (61.7%), and high fever (58.3%) as danger signs in pregnancy. On the other hand, 78.3% of respondents did not know that nausea and vomiting as well as unwillingness to eat were also the danger signs in pregnancy. In addition, 63.3% of respondents did not know that swelling of the feet, hands, and face are also danger signs in pregnancy. It is expected that health workers can provide proper health education to husbands to increase their knowledge and awareness of the danger signs in pregnancy
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