Pengetahuan, Persepsi, Imunisasi DasarAbstract
High infant mortality rates among children are a major health problem throughout the world, especially in developing countries. To protect people from serious illnesses and infectious diseases, immunization is the cheapest and most effective way to prevent primary infections. The more the mother knows about how to give her child complete basic vaccinations, the greater the mother's awareness about it. Parents can choose to provide complete basic immunization to their children through perception. The aim of this study was to determine mothers' knowledge and perceptions regarding their babies' compliance with basic immunization. This study was designed to be cross-sectional. This research involved 91 respondents, and the data collection technique used for data collection on the sample was purpos sampling. The results of the study showed that the best respondents in the good category had knowledge about basic immunization, as many as 52 respondents (57.1%), and the best in the positive category had knowledge about basic immunization, as many as 76 respondents (83.5%), and the best in compliance with basic immunization was 78 respondents (85.3%). There is a correlation between the level of knowledge about basic immunization and compliance with providing basic immunization to babies in the working area of the Rakit Kulim Community Health Center with a p value of 0.000. In addition, there is a correlation between perceptions about basic immunization and compliance with providing basic immunization to babies in the working area of the Rakit Kulim Community Health Center. To find out other factors that influence basic immunization compliance, it is recommended to conduct further research that includes more samples, different research designs, and different variables
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