
  • Zata Ismah
  • Saidah Fatimah Sari Simanjuntak
  • Bebby Alfiera Riyandina Hardja
  • Nur Fadhilah Hasanah
  • Rani Elviyanti Siregar
  • Apriliani Apriliani

Kata Kunci:

avian influenza, h5n1 virus, covid19, epidemiology, global pandemic, zoonotic flu


Human avian influenza has caused serious outbreaks in several countries, especially in Asia, one of which is Indonesia. Human avian influenza has become an important public health problem because of the high mortality rates and because of the possibility of causing a global pandemic. The source of the virus is thought to come from bird migration and transport of infected birds. Laboratory tests can be done by examining leukocytes, platelets in suspected cases. Clinically suspicious of AI testing can be done simultaneously, which is taking blood for serology, throat swabs, nasopharynx, and oropharynx for RT-PCR examination and viral culture gold test as confirmation. Until now it is known that there have been five zoonotic flu diseases that cause a global pandemic and have taken many casualties in the world including SARS, MERS, H1N1, H5N1, and new diseases namely COVID-19. The method to be used for this review is literature study. The data obtained were compiled, analyzed, and concluded in order to get conclusions about the literature study. The five zoonotic flu diseases have differences from one another. So the classification of differences between H5N1 with each of the zoonotic flu diseases above needs to be done.


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