
  • Resi Putri Naulia
  • Hendrawati Hendrawati
  • La Saudi

Kata Kunci:

family role, health education, PHBS


Family empowerment is an important way to manage nutritional problems. Health education is needed to change behavior that can lead to improving the nutritional health of mothers and their children. The study aimed to determine the influence of health education on Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (PHBS) In Household and Family Roles of Nutrition. This was a quasi experiment with pretest-postest non equivalent control group design. This study recruited the respondents using a purposive sampling method. Sample size was 50 mothers who had under five year children with stunting in Jakarta. 50 mothers were divided into intervention and control group. The data were analyzed using wilxcoxon and chi square. The wilxcoxon test results showed that there were significant difference between Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (PHBS) In Household (p = 0,003) and Family Roles of Nutrition (p = 0,001) before and after intervention. Thus health education may improve behavior of clean and healthy life in household and family roles of nutrition.


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