
  • Urbaningrum Rina Dwi
  • Anwar Andi
  • Sultan Muhammad

Kata Kunci:

Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Monoxide (NO2), Street Vendor


One of the main source of air pollutions is motor vehicles or transportations. As for the pollutants which resulted from the process of engine ignition that uses fuels such as CO, NO2, SO2, dan HC gas. Both CO and NO2, gives negative effects through the inhalation process and is capable of causing inhalation injury. This research is a descriptive research which uses Environmental Health Risks Analysis (EHRA) Approach, to analyze risks exposure of Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Monoxide to street vendors in Pasar Pagi Area with total 30 persons. The results of the research shows that the concentration amount of CO is 1,512 mg/m3 with intake exposure CO<RfC (7,667mg/kg/day) and the concentration amount of NO2 is 0,028 mg/m3 with intake exposure NO2<RfC (0,02 mg/kg/day). Nilai RQ 1 at the exposure of CO and NO2 which signify there is no health risks of non carcinogenic on the exposure duration realtime and lifetime with total 30 persons of street vendors (100%), but there are complaints of eye irritations (76,6%), cough (56,7%), Headache/Dizziness (33,3%), Asphyxiate (16,7%), and nausea (10,0%). It can be concluded that the risks which emerged from the exposure of CO and NO2 is still in the safe limits


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