
  • Fajar Sari Tanberika
  • Kiki Susanti

Kata Kunci:

Parity, KIA Book Ownership, Health Staff Support, Pregnant Women


Maternal and child health problems are greatly influenced by various factors. However, it is important to pay attention to increasing knowledge and information for pregnant women and their families about health services for pregnant women, childbirth, post-partum, family planning services, and BBL care as outlined in class activities of pregnant women. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the compliance of pregnant women attending pregnant women classes. This research uses descriptive analytic method, purposive sampling technique. Sampel size 66 respondents. Analysis in this research is univariate and bivariat analysis. The results showed 54.5% adhered to the class of pregnant women, 83.3% of parity multipara, 51.5% did not have a KIA book, 57.6% provided information and 60.6% had the support of health workers. Chi Square test results showed no significant relationship between parity and compliance of pregnant women following the class of pregnant women ρ value 0.507, there was a significant relationship between the ownership of the KIA book and maternal compliance following the class of pregnant women ρ value 0,000 with an OR of 7,468, there was a significant relationship between the availability of information with maternal adherence to the class of pregnant women ρ value 0.033 with OR 2.972, there is a significant relationship between health care support with maternal adherence to the class of pregnant women ρ value 0.034 with OR 2.971. The results of this study are expected to be used as input and comparison material to conduct further research.


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