
  • Taryono Taryono Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Riau
  • Sujianto Sujianto Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Riau University
  • Yusni Ikhwan Siregar Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Affairs, University of Riau
  • Mexsasai Indra Faculty of Law, University of Riau

Kata Kunci:

Public health; village; environment


A healthy population is an important factor in increasing economic productivity. The availability of health services, the environment, a person's lifestyle, and heredity are significant determinants of health. This study seeks to ascertain the level of health access available for rural residents whose settlements are in the Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling Wildlife Reserve. Secondary data were analyzed using descriptive methods to explain the existing phenomena. The findings of this study indicate that poskesdes and posyandu are the closest health facilities that can be utilized by village communities. Since there are no doctors in rural areas, midwives usually deal with health problems. With BPJS participation rates ranging from 26% to 50%, people have to travel a considerable distance to access health services from clinics and hospitals. Village efforts to promote environmental health can be seen from the way they dispose of garbage and waste, including burning it, burying it in pits, and using their own or public latrines. This is done to prevent environmental pollution. Health service infrastructure and facilities in villages whose settlements are located in the Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling wildlife reserve area need to be prioritized and improved by the government and related parties.


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