
  • Novi Yanti Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Payung Negeri Pekanbaru
  • Yessi Azwar Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Payung Negeri Pekanbaru


Breast milk contains colostrum which is rich in antibodies because it contains protein for endurance and is useful for killing high amounts of germs so that exclusive breastfeeding can reduce the risk of death in babies. In breastfeeding mothers, there are often obstacles such as insufficient milk production, mothers do not understand the correct lactation management, mothers want to breastfeed again after the baby is given formula (lactation), the baby has already gotten, prelakteal feeding. Lactagogum is a drug that can increase or facilitate the production of milk. Papaya (carica papaya L) is one of the fruits that contains lactagogum and has a high nutritional content and is rich in health benefits. The research method used is an experimental method using a pre- and post-intervention design using one group, research design using one group before and after intervention design, or pre and post test design. In this design, the only experimental unit serves as an experimental group and at the same time a control group. The variables in this study consisted of free variables (papaya fruit consumption) and bound variables (increased breast milk production). The population in this study was all breastfeeding mothers aged < 6 months in BPM IW Kampar Regency which amounted to 25 people. The entire population in the study became a sample. Data analysis is carried out in stages, namely univariate analysis aims to obtain an overview of each variable, both dependent variables and independent variables. Meanwhile, bivariate analysis was carried out by testing the hypothesis between independent variables and dependent variables to see the difference between independent variables and dependent variables with statistical meaningfulness tests using the T test at a confidence level of 95%. Based on the results of breast milk production before the consumption of papaya fruit, the average frequency of breastfeeding was 5.4 times with a standard deviation of 0.79 and after consuming papaya fruit, the average frequency of breastfeeding increased to 9.67 times with a standard deviation of 0.68. The choleration between the two variables was 0.97 and the difference in the average value of the increase in breast milk production in mothers who did not consume and who consumed papaya fruit was 4.27 with a sig of 0.000. Because the sig < 0.05, it means that the average milk production before and after papaya fruit consumption is different. Thus it can be stated that the feeding of papaya fruit can affect the increase in breast milk production of nursing mothers.


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