
  • Nofri Hasrianto Public Health, STIKes Al Insyirah Pekanbaru
  • Riski Novera Yenita Public Health, STIKes Al Insyirah Pekanbaru
  • Rohimah Assadiyah Public Health, STIKes Al Insyirah Pekanbaru
  • Nurvi Susanti Public Health, Hang Tuah University Pekanbaru


Based on the observations of researchers in the working area of the Harapan Raya Health Center, there are 6
restaurants that do not meet the requirements that isnot paying attention to serving food to consumers in the use
of food safety equipment, such as aprons, masks, gloves and long hair does not protect the hair so that the hair
or dirt on the hair has the potential to enter food and drinks.This study aims to determine the application of food
preparation standards for food processing sanitation in restaurants in the working area of Harapan Raya
Pekanbaru Health Center. This study used descriptive analysis method by applying two data collection
techniques namely direct interviews and observation.The data collection technique in this study used a purposive
sampling technique.The sample in this study was conducted at six restaurants in the working area of the
Harapan Raya Health Center. The results of the study show that the criteria for food preparation refer to the
Minister of Health Regulation No. 14 of 2021, of which some of the standard criteria in question are food
preparation standards/kitchen area inspections. In the food preparation criteria, there are three restaurants that
have met the requirements, namely restaurants B, E, F and 3 restaurants A, C, D that do not meet the
requirements.The results of the appraisal observation forsetupfood that is carried out using the
formobservationshows that in general the hygiene and sanitation of food transportation has met the
requirements and transportationonlyfrom the kitchen to the serving place.


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