
  • Yulia Febrianita Abdurrab University
  • Ainil Fitri Abdurrab University
  • Ririn Mutia Zukra Riau University

Kata Kunci:

stunting, cadre posyandu, find your mate methode


The use of counseling media such as find your mate can affect the results of increasing the knowledge of posyandu cadres about five tables. Facilities for learning and material resources are sufficient, of course the learning process will be successful. The find your mate game method allows for active participation in learning, so as to produce active learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of the find your mate method for increasing the knowledge of Posyandu cadres in Pekanbaru City. The research design used was Quasy Experiment with control group. The population in this study were posyandu cadres in Pekanbaru City in the focus area for stunting management. The research sample used the consecutive sampling technique, the sample in the control group was 33 people, the sample in the experimental group was 33 people. the average level of knowledge of cadres in the control and experimental groups is 140.3, while the experimental group is 94.5, and the p-value is 0.013. This research is expected to be applied in stunting prevention.


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