
  • Romi Mulyadi Electro-medical Engineering Technology Study Program STIKes Al Insyirah
  • Nur Hadziqoh Electro-medical Engineering Technology Study Program STIKes Al Insyirah
  • Yeni Pertiwi Electro-medical Engineering Technology Study Program STIKes Al Insyirah
  • Dilken Dilken Electro-medical Engineering Technology Study Program STIKes Al Insyirah

Kata Kunci:

Electrocardiogram, ECG, Health, Calibration, Heart


Heart disease is one of the many deadly diseases. The death rate of people due to heart disease in Indonesia is
29.1% or 17.1 million%/year. To reduce the lack of death rates caused by heart disease, by checking heart
health using electrocardiogram modalities. The process of the heart's electrical activity is monitored and
displayed in a graph on the monitor screen. ECG is used not only in hospitals but also in nursing laboratories as
a clinical practice aid for nursing students. All medical devices must be calibrated regularly. This study shows
the ECG calibration process with the aim of getting the results of whether the ECG in the STIKES Al-Insyirah
Pekanbaru lab is suitable for use. The electrocardiogram used with the GE brand, type Mac 600. The method
used is a direct comparison method with an electrocardiogram simulator. The test results get a voltage level
calibration value with a tolerance of 5% with a value of 5.10, and 20 mm/mV. The value of the recording rate
has a tolerance of 100-104 mm. while the ECG signal calibration obtained measurement results of 10 mm and is
still within the tolerance limit.


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