
  • Marizki Putri Bachelor of Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Health Muhammadiyah University of West Sumatra
  • Rista Nora Bachelor of Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Health Muhammadiyah University of West Sumatra

Kata Kunci:

Sexual violence, psychoeducation


Sexual violence against adolescents is a serious problem facing the world as well as Indonesia. Sexual violence against adolescents is all sexual activity carried out by coercion or threats by adults or their peers. As a result of this sexual violence behavior will certainly have an impact on the next life, both psychological disorders and other mental disorders, to overcome this, psychoeducational therapy must be available. The method in this community service is to apply psychoeducational therapy to adolescents. The aim is to be able to protect themselves from sexual violence and psychoeducational therapy is one form of implementation of the prevention of such violence. The result of this community service is the ability of adolescents to carry out psychoeducation therapy therapy, starting from session 1 to session 4. The recommendation from this community service is the existence of socialization and training to reduce the number of violence in adolescents


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