
  • Fitriany Suangga Nursing Science Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Awal Bros Batam University
  • Sri Muharni Nursing Science Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Awal Bros Batam University
  • Devi Lamtiur Gultom Nursing Science Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Awal Bros Batam University

Kata Kunci:

Perception; Pyschosocial Adaptation; Clinical Practices.


Nursing students have go through several clinical practice stages. When they go to first clinical practice, students will face a situation that is different from learning situation on campus and must adapt to the clinical practice environment both psychologically and socially. The aims is to explore Perceptions of Nursing Students' about Psychosocial Adaptation Process during Clinical Practice in Hospitals. This study uses a qualitative design with a phenomenological approach using a semi-structured interview method. Participants were determined through a purposive sampling method, namely 8 students from UAB. The instrument in this study was the researcher and using voice recorder. The interview were analyzed using Creswell method. Research results obtained three themes namely Adaptive Responses of Participants Including Feelings of Enthusiasm and happy, Maladaptive Responses of Participants Including Feelings of Nervousness and Fear, Self Adaptation Process which includes Experiences,The Coping Strategies, Participants' Expectations. Students experience several psychological responses such as feelings of enthusiasm, fear and nervousness, students also experience several challenges.Through this challenge students try to adapt using coping strategies through internal and external support such as family, friends, hospital staff and clinical supervisors so students experience increased knowledge and experience, students hope for development potential for further clinical practice.


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