
  • Rifa Rahmi Al Insyirah College of Health Sciences
  • Rika Ruspita Al Insyirah College of Health Sciences
  • Fitriani Laowo Al Insyirah College of Health Sciences

Kata Kunci:

husband support, readiness to face childbirth, pregnant women


Birth preparation aims to prepare all the needs during pregnancy and childbirth. Efforts to improve childbirth readiness are very important both physically and psychologically, so that labor goes smoothly. This study aims to determine the relationship between husband's support and readiness for childbirth in third trimester pregnant women during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Pratama Afiyah Clinic in Pekanbaru City which was conducted from January to February 2022. This research used a quantitative research type with a cross sectional study approach. The number of samples is 30 people who are determined by consecutive sampling technique. The data collection tool used was a questionnaire consisting of information about husband's support and third trimester pregnant women's readiness for childbirth. The frequency distribution of husband's support and readiness for childbirth shows that 56.7% of husbands provide support to third trimester pregnant women and 53.3% of third trimester pregnant women have readiness for childbirth. The results of the Chi Square test obtained p = 0.001, so it can be concluded that there is a relationship between husband support and readiness for childbirth in third trimester pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic with OR = 2.1 meaning that husbands who do not support pregnant women have a 2.1 chance times greater for pregnant women who do not have readiness for childbirth, compared to husbands who support them. It is expected that husbands will be able to maximize the provision of support to their wives who are pregnant in the third trimester, and for pregnant women to be prepared for childbirth, which includes physical, psychological and financial preparations.


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