
  • Komaria Susanti Institut Kesehatan dan Teknologi Al Insyirah
  • Andriayani Oktafia Institut Kesehatan dan Teknologi Al Insyirah
  • Fatma Nadia Institut Kesehatan dan Teknologi Al Insyirah

Kata Kunci:

Al-qur'an, Anxiety, Labor, Murrotal


Labor will be difficult if  women are anxious about the labor process and the birth of the baby. Relaxation and traction treatment, one of which is murottal Al-Qur'an, can help to reduce anxiety. Because the duration and severity of contractions in the active phase gradually increased, murottal therapy was given during the first stage of the active phase. This experiment was done in July 2021 at Bengkalis Hospital to analyze the influence of murottal therapy on the level of anxiety in maternity mothers. A pre-experimental design with a One Group Pretest Posttest design technique is used in this kind of experiment. Purposive sampling was used to determine the sample size, which totaled 33 participants. This research instrument using the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (Hars).  Data analysis using Paired Sample T-Test showed that the majority of respondents had severe anxiety levels before murottal therapy (57.6%), and the majority of respondents after murottal therapy had moderate anxiety (54.5%), indicating that there was an effect of murottal therapy on the level of anxiety.With an average difference in score changes of 6.030 between before and after murottal therapy anxiety about delivery p = 0.000 (p value 0.05).  As a result, it can be concluded that giving murottal therapy can make pregnant mothers feel calmer. It is hoped that it would be used as a non-pharmacological midwives care intervention as a therapeutic agent.


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