
  • Mona Dewi utari Stikes PMC
  • Ihsan Suheimi Stikes PMC

Kata Kunci:

Music therapy, labor pain


Death during childbirth is the main cause of female mortality during the reproductive period. Childbirth is a 
process that begins with uterine contractions which cause pain during the labor process. One effort that a midwife 
can make is a relaxation technique which is very useful for dealing with labor pain, namely by using music therapy. 
To overcome pain, you can use non-pharmacological methods carried out by midwives, including relaxation, 
breathing techniques, physical exercise, music therapy, massage, acupressure, acupuncture, aromatherapy, 
hypno-brithing. Music therapy is an effort to improve physical and mental quality with sound stimulation 
consisting of rhythm, melody, harmony, form and style which is organized in such a way that it can maintain 
physical and mental health. One type of music used in this research is classical music. This research was conducted 
with the aim of determining the effectiveness of music therapy in reducing labor pain during the first stage of the 
active phase. The design of this research is descriptive research, using quasi-experimental research with a sample 
size that meets the inclusion criteria in this research, totaling 30 people. The data analysis used was the Wilcoxon 
test. From the research, it is known that the majority of 30 respondents experienced moderate pain, 19 respondents 
(63.3%), and 8 respondents (26.7%) experienced severe pain before music therapy was carried out. Meanwhile, 
after music therapy, the majority experienced mild pain, 17 respondents (56.7%), 13 respondents (43.3%) 
experienced moderate pain and no more respondents experienced severe pain. The results of the analysis showed 
that labor pain decreased after music therapy was given an average of 2.47 with a p value (0.000), which means 
there was an influence on the level of labor pain during the first active phase after music therapy was given. And 
it is hoped that midwives can improve maternal care, one of which is reducing labor pain


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