
  • Dwi Elka Fitri Stikes PMC
  • Fitra Wahyuni Stikes PMC
  • Selfi Elva Yenti Stikes PMC

Kata Kunci:

Pain, Age, Gender, Occupation, Hernia Nucleus Pulposus


Hernia of the nucleus pulposus (HNP) is a pathological condition in which there is protrusion of the anulus fibrosus and the nucleus pulposus into the lumen of the vertebral canal. The incidence of HNP is approximately 5 to 20 cases per 1000 adults per year and occurs most often in people in the third to fifth decade of life, with a male to female ratio of 2:1. Low back pain is the most common cause of work-related disability. Decreased quality of life is something that is often found in patients with low back pain. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between respondent characteristics (age, gender and occupation) on the pain level of patients with HNP at the PMC Hospital Polyclinic. This research is qualitative research with a correlation design. The sample for this study was 30 patients with HNP who came to the PMC Hospital polyclinic. Based on the results of research using the chi square test, it was found that gender characteristics and age characteristics were not related to the level of pain in HNP patients with pvalue = 1.000 & 0.272. Job characteristics are related to the pain level of HNP patients with p value = 0.039. Based on the results of this research, it is hoped that health workers can provide education to the adult population about preventing the incidence of HNP disease, to reduce the incidence of HNP disease in the city of Pekanbaru.


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