
  • Anugrasia Auliani Faculty Islamic Psychology
  • Fajar Sari Tanberika Lincoln University College Malaysia
  • Wira Ekdeni Aifa Al Insyirah Institute of Health and Technology Pekanbaru

Kata Kunci:

Hyperemesis Gravidarum , Pregnant Women


Hyperemesis Gravidarum is a normal symptom in pregnancy. However, if it is excessive, it interferes with daily work and the general condition becomes bad, which is called hyperemesis gravidarum . Pregnancy is something that married couples are waiting for, as well as being a stressful time in life. Pregnancy conditions that are not always smooth often make it difficult for a mother. Moreover, if the pregnancy is the first pregnancy. Therefore, the right action that a mother needs to take is to diligently consult and carry out regular checks, especially if certain worrying conditions are encountered. This study aims to determine the relationship between the characteristics and psychology of pregnant women and hyperemesis gravidarum in Practice Midwife Rosita Pekanbaru . This research is a descriptive correlation research with a cross design sectional (cross-sectional) which aims to determine the characteristics and psychology of pregnant women with hyperemesis gravidarum In Pregnant Women in Practice Midwife Rosita Pekanbaru . The results of this study indicate that maternal age is not significantly related to hyperemesis gravidarum in Practice Midwife Rosita Pekanbaru , p- value 0.296 > 0.05. Maternal gravida is significantly associated with hyperemesis gravidarum in Practice Midwife Rosita Pekanbaru . p- value 0.004 < 0.05. Maternal parity was significantly associated with hyperemesis gravidarum in Practice Midwife Rosita Pekanbaru , p- value 0.004 < 0.05. Maternal psychology is significantly related to hyperemesis gravidarum in Practice Midwife Rosita Pekanbaru , p- value 0.000 < 0.05. Recommended to the Practice Midwife Rosita Pekanbaru in providing health services by providing health promotion to the public regarding health information to further improve the quality of services, especially health services in the form of counseling related to factors factor risks in pregnancy, especially the incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum in pregnant women


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