
  • Fitra Mayenti Al Insyirah Institute of Health and Technology
  • Destria Efliani Al Insyirah Institute of Health and Technology
  • Romi Mulyadi Al Insyirah Institute of Health and Technology

Kata Kunci:

Family Support, ISPA Recurrence, Toddlers


Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (ISPA) is an infectious disease which has the risk of being easily transmitted to other people, especially to toddlers aged 12-59 months. ISPA is still a public health problem because the impact it has on sufferers is very large, therefore support is very important in preventing various diseases, especially ISPA. Family support also plays a role in handling ISPA cases in children aged 1–5 years. Family support is natural social supportThis study aims to determine family support for ISPA recurrence in toddlers in the UPTD Working Area of the Air Molek Health Center, Indragiri Hulu Regency. This type of research is quantitative, descriptive analytical, with a cross sectional approach. The sample in this study was families with toddlers totaling 31 respondents who were determined using a purposive sampling technique. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Uji Chi Square. The statistical test results showed that there was a relationship between family support and recurrence of ISPA in toddlers with a p value of 0.005 < 0.05, meaning that there was a relationship between family support and recurrence of ISPA in toddlers in the UPTD Working Area of the Air Molek Health Center, Indragiri Hulu Regency. It is hoped that the Community Health Center will provide more information and provide education to the community, especially mothers of toddlers with Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (ISPA)



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