The risk of nosocomial infection, apart from occurring in patients being treated in hospitals, can also occur in health workers. Medical personnel working in health facilities can easily become infected. The most frequently encountered media for disease transmission from patients to medical personnel are blood and body fluids. One of the high-risk groups for suffering from Hepatitis B infection is midwives, whose work is in daily contact with sufferers. The incidence of infection during childbirth is closely related to the actions taken by mmidwives onprevent infection. Potential dangers in the delivery room. Apart from infectious diseases, other potential dangers affect the situation and conditions in the delivery room, namely biological dangers, physical dangers, and chemical dangers. This danger can be overcome by using personal protective equipment. This research aims to identify the use of PPE in childbirth assistance at the Bati-Bati Polindes, Tanah Laut Regency. This type of research uses qualitative research. The research informants consisted of 5 midwives as the main informants and 1 Head of the Community Health Center as the triagulation informant. Data was taken using in-depth interview and observation techniques. Data were analyzed by means of data reduction and concluding. The research results showed that the informants' use of PPE when assisting with childbirth was classified as good behavior, as evidenced by the 5 informants who used PPE when assisting with childbirth and was confirmed by triangulated informant statements. The observation results also showed the same thing regarding the informants' use of PPE.
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