
  • Rina Fitria Sari Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Dwi Rahmawati Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Putri Yuliantie Universitas Sari Mulia



Jenis KB, KB Pasca Salin, Paritas, Umur.


BKKBN has a target in 2022 of 70% of prospective mothers participating in the postpartum family planning program. In Indonesia, less than 30% are interested in using postpartum birth control. The use of postpartum birth control is the government's target in reducing population growth and one of the efforts to reduce birth and death rates. The village with the lowest post-natal family planning achievement is Sungai Durait Hulu Village, out of 23 villages in Babirik sub-district. The aim of this research is to determine the use of post-saline family planning in Sungai Durait Hulu Village in 2022. Quantitative descriptive research using secondary data analysis (ADS). The sample included in this research was postpartum mothers in Sungai Durait Hulu village from January to December 2022. The total population was 12 postpartum mothers, the sampling technique used was total sampling. From univariate analysis, it was found that 83.3% of postpartum mothers were 20-35 years old, parity was 75% multiparous. The type of contraception used by 66.7% was injection, and 58.3% of postpartum mothers used postpartum birth control. Characteristics were obtained from postpartum mothers aged 20-35 years with multiparous parity. The most popular type of postpartum birth control is the injectable type of birth control.


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How to Cite

PENGGUNAAN KB PASCA SALINDI DESA SUNGAI DURAIT HULU TAHUN 2022. (2023). Al-Tamimi Kesmas: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Health Sciences), 12(2), 156-161.