Occupational Health, Metal Dust, Used Cans, AluminumAbstract
Occupational Health aims to protect all workers in various fields to avoid health problems and negative impacts of work. Every worker has the right to protection from various risks and dangers in the workplace, including injuries, illnesses or disorders that may hinder their performance. The implementation of K3 is very important for industry, as an effort to protect the security, safety and health of workers. Based on research at PT. SAL (Sumber Alam Lestari), which is engaged in the process of grinding used cans into iron cans, saw exposure to aluminum iron dust which flew freely in the air around the workplace, due to iron milling activities. The workplace does not have sufficient ventilation so there is a risk of causing health problems if the dust is inhaled by workers. Apart from that, some workers also did not wear protective equipment to protect themselves. These include respiratory protection such as masks. The aim of the research is to determine the factors related to preventive Occupational Health efforts regarding the dangers of solid dust in the process of grinding used cans into iron ore. Type of observational research, with a quantitative analytical approach. The design in this research is cross-sectional, respondents were taken based on total sampling technique. The research results show that there is no significant relationship between Risk Management (p value 0.565), Work Environment Health Requirements (p value 1.00), Health Checks (p value 0.181, and Reproductive Health Protection (p value 0.181) with preventive occupational health efforts regarding the dangers of solid dust in the process of grinding used cans into iron ore. Preventive Occupational Health Efforts have not been the most important part in implementing K3 Procedures. All Occupational Health standards have not been implemented as they should, so the risk of health problems is high.
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